1. The Parent-Child Relationship # 1
The first and most important factor in influencing social development is the quality of the relationship between parents and their children
Coaching Monk
The Coaching Monk...He is the Sun of the World & the Universe. Let's come to see what he experienced and you will be another one who want to become the Sun like him.
Cherishing our Parents # 1
“A full-grown tree that has been cared for with the right amount of water and fertilizer can bloom and give fruit to its owner
Code of Good Conduct #1
A sword without a scabbard or a hand-grenade without a safety catch can bring as more danger as benefit to the user because there is no way of controlling them
Cherishing our Husband or Wife # 1
In chewing food, if our tongue and teeth do not work in harmony, we will mostly likely bite ourselves and shed tears.
Mother's Day 2014
Mother's Day 2014. History and Activities on Mother's Day 2014.
Fight to save Buddhism
A true fighter becomes a true monk! This monk unveiled why he fights to save Buddhism. The true Buddhists don't miss!!
Cherishing our Parents # 2
Because we owe an overwhelming debt of gratitude to our parents, we must repay the debt of gratitude firstly by appreciating our parents
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 1
When the Lord Buddha had finished his explanation of the origin of suffering, he continued with an explanation of the cessation of suffering
Mice died because of poisoned food
The question from an audience: "I put poisoned food around my house. The mice ate it and died. Did I break the first precept? I never forced those mice to eat that food anyway." What do you think? Read the answer by Phrabhavanaviriyakhun, the vice abbot of Dhammakaya Temple.